Why Do Babies Need Iron?
Learn more from a pediatric dietitian about why babies need iron, symptoms of iron deficiency, the best sources of iron, and tips to increase absorption.
How to Get Your Kids Eating Healthier (Without a Fight!)
If you're like 85% of parents, mealtimes are a struggle and food battles are the norm. Here are tips on how to help kids eat healthier - without the fight.
Reduce Picky Eating with Repeated Exposures!
Do you know the average number of repeated exposures it takes before a person will accept a new food? Read more about reducing picky eating here!
Can You Get Enough Iron on a Plant-Based Diet?
Read more for the best iron-rich foods and tips from a registered dietitian on maintaining adequate iron levels while following a plant-based diet.
How to Stress Less About Halloween Candy and Kids!
Having a plan in place for how to handle incoming sugar can help reduce Halloween overwhelm. Keep reading for 8 ways to stress less about candy on Halloween.
Serving Chia Seeds to Babies and Kids
Chia seeds are versatile nutrient powerhouses with many potential health benefits. Here's what you need to know about serving them to babies and kids.
Best Way to Talk to Your Daughter About Her Weight? Don't.
Here are 8 ways we can strengthen tween and teen body image, build self-esteem, and help our girls live a healthier lifestyle, from a dietitian & mom of 3.
Kitchen Jobs for Kids
Involving kids in the kitchen is an effective way to reduce picky eating and encourage healthy food choices. Here's a list of kitchen jobs for kids by age.
Oatmeal Reboot: More Flavor in Less Time!
Here’s how to serve up oatmeal with more flavor in less time so that you and your kids can fuel up on a healthy breakfast within minutes!
Best Milk for Kids: Choosing the Right Milk for Your Child
Need help choosing the best milk for your kid? Read more from a pediatric dietitian about the differences between cow’s milk and other plant-based alternatives.
Cheers and Welcome to My Blog...
Welcome! I am a pediatric dietitian and infant/child feeding expert. The goal of my blog is to make mealtimes easier, tastier, and healthier for families.
Top 10 Grocery Shopping Tips for a Healthy Family
Here are ten top tips for grocery shopping your way toward more energy, improved mood, greater dietary variety, and better balance all around.