Halloween Treats for Babies That Aren’t Candy
As an alternative to candy, here are some healthy, nutrient-rich Halloween treats for babies and toddlers from a pediatric dietitian.
Pumpkin Recipes for Kids (and Babies too!)
These delicious, health-promoting, super easy pumpkin recipes are great during baby-led weaning and perfect for making and sharing with toddlers and kids.
Are Frozen Fruits and Vegetables Healthy for Babies?
Frozen produce can be more affordable and convenient than fresh. Read on for more info and tips on how to serve frozen fruits and vegetables to babies.
3 Reasons Added Sugars Aren’t Recommended for Kids Under 2
The AAP recommends no added sugars for kids under the age of 2. In this article, we’ll dive into why and how to navigate this in the context of real life.
The Best Food Allergen Substitutes for Baby-Led Weaning
This article will help you navigate a newly diagnosed food allergy by providing top allergen substitutes to use in cooking and baby-led weaning meal prep.
Easy Baby Feeding Schedules for the First 12 Months
Easy baby feeding schedules can help give parents a general outline about how much and how often infants tend to eat at throughout the first 12 months.
How to Stop a Baby From Throwing Food
Is your baby throwing food? Let's dig in on why your 6 - 12 month old baby may be throwing food and what you can do to help make the food-throwing stop.
How to Navigate Baby’s Loss of Appetite at 12 Months
Does your 12-month-old seem less hungry? Here are tips on how to understand, interpret, and navigate smaller appetites in babies as they enter toddlerhood.
How to Help Your Baby Overcome a Bottle Aversion
Bottle aversions often resolve on their own with time, but some babies need support. Here's how to help your baby overcome a bottle aversion and when to seek help.
5 Simple Baby Constipation Remedies
As a pediatric dietitian, I'm often asked how to relieve baby constipation without medication. Here are some easy, natural home remedies that will help.
When Can Babies Have Water?
When can infants drink water and how much is considered safe? Read on to learn about whether and when babies can have water and if so, how best to serve it.
Baby Eczema and Food Allergies: What Parents Need to Know
Check out this research on the connection between eczema, food allergies and the microbiome, and find tips on how to prevent and manage eczema in babies.